I am writing to express my appreciation for the NCM Insurance Agency. I have (had) a 2008 Z06 Corvette that was highly modified with RWHP at more than 1,300 – yet comfortable to drive. I had spent a great deal of money putting together this show car that had under 20,000 miles on it when the following occurred:
My car caught fire with me in it! Not 100% sure of the cause, but I believe it was the alternator that caught fire. Long story short, I was able to coast to a stop while the flames were growing out of control, and the cabin was uninhabitable. I was not able to do anything but stand by as I watched my special car burn to the ground despite the efforts of the local fire department. Needless to say – it was a total loss.

While a devastating loss, as you car guys and gals can fully understand, a positive claims response is key. The NCM Insurance Agency and American Modern Insurance Company responded compassionately, and quickly and paid the Agreed Value amount which escalated annually at 4.00%. They did not raise any concerns or express any doubt of anything reported. They just took care of the situation.

Bottom line to me was that while a terrible experience had happened, NCM Insurance responded with an AAAA++++ performance and I highly recommend them for insuring your special cars.
A sincere thank you, and this NCM member is truly appreciative of this special entity and the role they play in the enjoyment of our special cars.
Thank you, Jeffrey M….