Elite Coverage Meets Unmatched Service


Mon - Fri
9:00 AM - 4:45 PM CST

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350 Corvette Dr
Bowling Green, KY 42101


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Answers at Your Fingertips

Your Questions, Expertly Answered

Can I really buy a mechanical warranty for my collector vehicle?

Yes, with our program partner, Care+, we can offer mechanical coverage!

Why is the premium so low?

Collector car insurance and Corvette insurance is often time much less expensive than standard car insurance. We know that the folks we insure will not be putting their prized possession in harm's way.

I am a member of the National Corvette Museum, do I get a discount?

In most states there is a car club discount, so most likely, yes. There is up to a 10 percent discount depending on the state you live in. If you would like to become a member, please feel free to click on “Become a Corvette Museum Member” to the left.

How is the agency related to the National Corvette Museum?

NCM Insurance Agency is run by the National Corvette Museum. We are operated by the Corvette Museum by a NCM staff member/insurance agents. We have an office inside the NCM, so please stop by and see us!

How can I get additional ID cards?

Very simple! Click "Manage Your Policy" at the bottom of the home page, or give us a call at 877.678.7626

Does my vehicle qualify?

The NCM Insurance Agency specializes in collector vehicle insurance. Not every vehicle owned by NCM Members or non-members meets the guidelines due to their limited collectability, the way they are used and/or the extraordinary use. For collector car insurance we are not able to offer you coverage while on the track for HPDEs, Drag Racing, Autocross, etc. We are only able to insure collector cars that are stored in a locked garage when it is not being used. In some states we are able to insure your collector car if it is inside of a carport. Please call to see if your state qualifies. We are unable to insure collector cars that are used for daily use activities. (Grocery store trips, doctor appointments, errands, etc.) If you would like to take your collector car to work, we offer a program called “nine-to-five” that allows you to drive to work up to a couple of times a week.

Do I qualify?

Each driver in your household must have a daily use vehicle that is no older than 15 years of age, and your limits of liability must be equal to or higher than the limits that you are applying for on your collector car. All drivers in your household or any other drivers of your collector car must be listed on the application. We are not able to insure you if you have more than two at-fault accidents or violations in the past three years. We cannot insure you if you have any major violation in the past five years, DUIs, street racing, etc. All drivers in the household must have at least 10 years of driving experience or they need to be excluded. (Some states may vary.)

What is Agreed Value vs Stated Value or Actual Cash Value?

Agreed Value insurance policies guarantee that in the event of a covered total loss, you will receive the vehicle’s full insured value, which we will agree on before the policy is written.

If you have a Stated Value policy that says that the insurance company will pay "up to" the stated amount, this means they can and have the right to depreciate the stated amount.

Actual Cash Value is seen with most big name carriers. If you have a total loss, the car will be valued by the NADA value at the time of the loss.

NCM Insurance Agency only writes Agreed Value policies. If you are unsure what the value of your car is, please visit NADA to get a rough estimate.

Does NCM Insurance offer spare parts coverage?

Yes, we automatically offer $2,000 in spare parts coverage with the option to purchase more coverage if you would like.

Do you offer trip interruption coverage?

Yes. If your vehicle ever breaks down while you are on a trip more than 90 miles from home, we will pay up to $600 for transportation, lodging and expenses.

Clarify your Coverage

Policy Related Questions

Do I have to have a garage?

No! We love to insure vehicles in garages, but understand not everyone has a garage. We will gladly insure vehicles kept in off-site storage locations. We will examine carports on a case-by-case basis. Not every carport qualifies. Generally, our underwriters like to see the carport permanently secured to the ground and with two or more sides. There is a surcharge for carports. We will not insure vehicles kept in a parking garage.

How do I choose bodily injury, uninsured or under-insured motorist limits?

We must match the lowest limits of liability in your house for your daily use vehcile. All licensed drivers should have a daily use vehicle.

What items do you need after the policy is written?

Once we have completed the policy we will need the following information:

1: Application and State forms signed, dated and returned.
2: Photos of all vehicles that we insure. If the car is modified, we will need photos of the interior and engine.
3: Declarations pages from your daily use insurance showing what limits of liability you currently carry for all licensed drivers in your household. Each licensed driver needs to have daily use transportation.
4: If the vehicle is a recent purchase, we will need a copy of the bill of sale.

What are the driving restrictions?

The National Corvette Museum and NCM Insurance love to see the cars we insure driven, so we highly encourage you to take your car out on a nice day and enjoy it! There are some restrictions in the policy. You are covered for pleasure use, so take it out on a nice day to the ice cream shop, car club event, or to a car show. Please do not hesitate to ask us any questions about your usage. We are more than happy to discuss your specific needs.

Is racing covered with collector car insurance?

No, racing is not covered with collector car insurance?

Does NCM Insurance offer spare parts coverage?

Yes, we automatically offer $2,000 in spare parts coverage with the option to purchase more coverage if you would like.

Do you offer deductibles?

Yes, NCM Insurance is one of the few collector car agencies that offers a wide range of deductible options. We start at $0 and go up to $10,000. The most widely used deductibles are $500 and $1,000. Deductibles save money on insurance, and we are happy to help save you money!

Can I take my car to the mall, grocery store, golf course, or movie theater?

Generally, these are considered daily-use type activities, and are best suited for standard auto coverage. If a car show is in the mall parking lot, no problem!

Understand Your Vehicle

Vehicle Classification Questions

Do you own a vehicle produced in 1949 or earlier?

If you do, then you have an "Antique" vehicle.

Do you own a vehicle produced between 1950-1984?

If the answer is yes, then your vehicle classification would be "Classic".

Do you own a C5 Z06, C6 Z06, ZR1 or any other exotic car?

If the answer is yes, then you should select the "Exotic Vehicle" classification. Other cars that may qualify for the "Exotic" category are the Dodge Viper, any model Lamborgini, any model Ferrari, Ford GT, etc.

Do you have a kit/replica or re-creation?

If yes, you have a "Kit/Replica".

Was your vehicle produced from 1985-current?

If yes, your vehicle would be classified as a "Collectible". If you own any model Z06, C6, or ZR1, then your vehicle falls under the "Exotic" classification.

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